Caterer and Personal Chef Insurance


Why you need Caterers and Personal Chefs Insurance

Your dream was feed people and run your own business. 现在你已经实现了你的梦想,我们想要支持和保护它. 让我们为您的餐饮和私人厨师业务提供符合您独特需求的定制pp王者电子官网政策.

State Farm®的餐饮服务和私人厨师pp王者电子官网可以在以下情况下为您提供pp王者电子官网:
  • Food poisoning – Food poisoning is the worst, but it happens. 如果你的食物让人生病并导致诉讼,我们可以为你买单吗.
  • Theft from your vehicle - Your equipment is not cheap. 如果有人在你工作的时候闯入你的车, this policy protects loss of your business-related things.
  • Loss of income or business interruption – pp王者电子官网损失可能会影响你的工作能力和收入. 如果发生承保损失,我们可以帮助您追回损失的收入或利润.
  • Fire - A dish rag left too close to the fryer; a pan that got too hot and caught flame. Heat is a necessary but dangerous element of your business. This policy extinguishes related risks.

What Caterers and Personal Chefs Insurance covers

我们将从大多数餐饮商和私人厨师需要的一揽子pp王者电子官网开始. 然后,我们将帮助您定制它们,以适应您独特的业务. The result? 一个餐饮和私人厨师pp王者电子官网政策,让您的业务适当覆盖在一个惊人的伟大的速度.
  • Property - Cover your buildings, improvements, contents, equipment, 以及承保的意外直接实物损失的库存.
  • Liability - 针对因财产损失而产生的昂贵索赔和诉讼的保护, bodily injury, or personal and advertising injury.
  • Food Contamination – Provides coverage for business income, direct damages, 如果你的企业因食品污染而被卫生局或任何其他政府部门勒令关闭,你还需要支付额外的广告费用.
  • Loss of Income – 如果您的操作因承保损失而暂停,您可以提供保护.
  • Spoilage – 易腐货物因机械故障造成的意外直接实物损失, power outage, or refrigerant contamination.
  • Equipment Breakdown – 投保设备机械故障造成的财产损失, artificially generated current damaging covered equipment, 蒸汽锅炉爆炸或蒸汽/热水锅炉失效.
  • Employee Dishonesty – 防止因雇员的不诚实行为而对企业的个人财产造成直接的有形损失,包括金钱和证券.
  • Backup of Sewer or Drain – 因建筑物内部的下水道或排水沟积水而造成财产损失的pp王者电子官网.

Consider adding additional coverages

这取决于你拥有的餐饮或私人厨师业务的类型, the number of employees you have, and other factors, 你的餐饮承办人和私人厨师pp王者电子官网可能还不够.

A local State Farm agent 我能就您可能需要的额外pp王者电子官网提供建议吗.

Commercial auto with Employer Non-owned Liability

Commercial auto with Employer Non-owned Liability (ENOL) covers the cars, trucks, vans, 以及您或您的员工在工作地点之间使用或旅行的其他车辆, including vehicles that you do not own.

Commercial liability umbrella policy

Commercial liability umbrella policy (CLUP)当您的责任损失超过保单限额时,为您提供额外的保障措施.

Workers' compensation

Workers’ compensation 帮助保护您的船员免受工伤或疾病. Requirements for workers’ comp vary by state.

We’re in the business of helping your small business

Since 1935, 州立农场一直在帮助小企业主管理风险, plan for the future and protect what they’ve built.

Agent know-how

State Farm agents are small business owners too. 他们了解经营企业需要什么,并随时准备帮助你走向成功.


Customizable insurance

州立pp王者电子官网公司提供多种pp王者电子官网选择,您可以根据您的独特业务需求进行定制. 你可以以合适的价格选择合适的pp王者电子官网范围.


Personalized service


Talk to a local State Farm agent

这只是对现有商业pp王者电子官网种类的pp王者电子官网范围的一般说明,并不是合同的说明. Details of coverage, limits, 或者服务可能不适用于所有业务,在某些州有所不同. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. 联系州立农场代理获取更多信息和定制报价.

State Farm(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和附属公司)不负责, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 从本页超链接的任何第三方网站的内容. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the hyperlinked, third party site. Access to third party sites is at the user's own risk, 仅供参考之用,并不是征求购买或出售可能在该等第三方网站上引用的任何产品.

人寿pp王者电子官网和年金由州立农场人寿pp王者电子官网公司发行. (Not Licensed in MA, NY, 州农场人寿和意外pp王者电子官网公司(在纽约和威斯康辛州有执照)总部, Bloomington, Illinois.

  • State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
  • State Farm Indemnity Company
  • Bloomington, IL
  • State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
  • Richardson, TX
  • State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • State Farm General Insurance Company
  • Bloomington, IL
  • State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • Tallahassee, FL
  • State Farm Lloyds
  • Richardson, TX
  • State Farm人寿pp王者电子官网公司(未在MA, NY或WI获得许可)
  • State Farm人寿及意外pp王者电子官网公司(在纽约州及威州持牌)
  • Bloomington, IL