
Which emergency backup generator is right for you?

Considerations for permanent and portable generators.

A power outage in your home can be frightening, especially if severe weather is right outside your door. 但如果你被困在黑暗中,还有另一种选择:应急发电机. 当电网瘫痪的时候,因为 风暴, 飓风, 冻结 temperatures or other natural disasters, you never know how long it will take to restore power to homes. 有一个备用发电机可以在紧急情况下为你的家提供临时电力.

家用备用发电机 or portable?

T在这里 are two types of generators for home use: home standby and portable. Each carries benefits and drawbacks, so 做出明智的决定 根据你家的地理位置,以及如果灯灭了,你需要多少电.


These remain permanently outside the home and on standby. 它们使用现有的燃料——液态丙烷或天然气——并且能够产生足够的功率,在你家停电后几秒钟内重新供电. 这是因为永久发电机与转换开关一起工作,以监测输入的公用事业电压. 当你家停电的时候, 转换开关将断开公用线路,并与发电机连接新的电源线,以在几秒钟内恢复供电.

由于永久备用发电机能够提供大量的电力, 他们携带着 高昂的价格. 除了, licensed electricians must install these generators, 必须通知你当地的公用事业公司你有备用系统. However, if you live in an area that consistently sees 停电, these type of backup generators may be a good option. 也, 如果你生活在一个持续寒冷和冰暴困扰的气候中, 这台发电机可能证明值得为你的炉子和热水器供电, 在长时间停电的情况下,让你的家保持温暖,防止你的管道结冰.


当停电时只需要一些重要的电器时,便携式发电机是一个更实惠的选择. These generators are smaller and can be wheeled out of the garage. 他们的主要燃料是汽油, 所以它们不应该在家里或任何封闭的致命区域内奔跑 一氧化碳(CO) 气体会积聚.

延长线 是否可以连接到便携式发电机,并在室内运行,为冰箱等小型电器供电, 油池泵, furnace, hot water heater, lamps, TVs and computers.

To select the best home backup generator for you and your family, determine just how much power you would need in the event of a blackout. What could you do without for a few days? 热水? 冷的食物? 查看每台电器的制造商信息,找出所需电器的瓦数, 然后计算它们的数量. 便携式发电机可能是你最好的选择,如果你知道你的能源消耗,并坚持使用发电机的瓦数限制. Depending on the model, portables can generate between 2,500-4,500 watts. 通过明智地使用能源,你可能能够舒适地忍受停电.

还记得, 将便携式发电机直接连接到家用电线上对你和其他人来说可能是致命的. 直接连接到你家电线上的发电机可能会“反馈”到连接到你家的电线上,伤害到邻居或公用事业工人. By working with a qualified electrician, 可以安装手动转换开关,以安全地连接到主电气面板的选定电路中. If a portable generator is running and power is restored, 直到发电机关闭,手动转换开关复位到非备用位置,电力公司的电力才能到达这些隔离电路.


Do your research before buying a generator.

  • Determine which electrical items are needed in an emergency.
  • Homes in climates that have 冻结 temperatures need to protect against 冷冻水管 and the furnace will need to be on emergency power. 在温度高、湿度大的家庭里,需要把空调备用,以防霉菌损坏.
  • 把食物保存在冰箱里, the refrigerator will need to be on the system, as well as any stand-alone freezers.
  • 如果要冲厕所,有井水的家庭需要在发电机系统上安装井泵.
  • Total the watts needed to determine what size generator is required. Consider both running and starting watts. An electrician can help make this determination, or you can check the manufacturer information for each appliance.
  • Take your budget into consideration.


Before starting your generator, consider the following safety tips:

  • 你的 车库不是理想的位置 用于运行发电机. 便携式发电机应该放置在离窗户和门至少20英尺远的地方 一氧化碳不会进入你的家.
  • 给你的发电机足够的“呼吸”空间——在机组周围留出至少三到四英尺的空间,以确保适当的通风.
  • As a safety precaution, always have working CO detectors and smoke alarms in your home. 建议您根据制造商的说明在室内安装电池供电的一氧化碳探测器.
  • Take care when fueling a gasoline-powered portable generator. Never add fuel while the unit is running or hot. 如果油箱满了,燃料就会溢出到热的发动机上,引起火灾或爆炸. Start or stop the generator only when no electrical loads are connected.


Be aware of the electricity produced by a generator

  • Keep generators on dry, level ground outdoors. 如果您必须在潮湿或潮湿的条件下使用发电机,请用雨棚保护发电机. 许多新型发电机都内置接地故障断路器(gfci)。. 如果你的没有, 使用GFCI与您的发电机和延长线在潮湿或潮湿的条件下保护.
  • 检查延长线 that might be used to connect an appliance to the generator. 确保电线接地,不要使用有裂纹、磨损或明显损坏的电线. 检查延长线的额定瓦数或安培数是否符合预期用途.
  • Never plug a generator into a wall outlet. Doing this creates an electrocution risk called back feeding which can cause an electrical fire in your home 烧毁你的电器.
  • To avoid electric shock, don't touch a generator with wet hands.


  • Let generators cool before storing or refueling. If fuel spills on the unit's hot engine parts, it could ignite.
  • Store generator fuel away from other fuels or combustible materials. 不要在家里储存燃料.
  • Keep fuel in a proper storage container with clear labeling.
  • 将燃料储存在高架子上或锁在孩子和宠物够不到的柜子里.
  • Never smoke near a generator or the fuel.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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